Below are answers to some questions about S.A.P. and how students can get help if they need it.
How does a student become involved in S.A.P.?
A student is referred to the S.A.P. team.
Who can refer a student?
A student can refer themselves or a friend, teacher, staff member or parent can refer a student.
How can I refer a student to S.A.P.?
E-mail the S.A.P. team at
Leave a voicemail at (570) 457-6721 ext. 116.
Completing the on-line form at
Drop a note in the S.A.P. box located between the water fountain and soda machine outside of the high school cafeteria or the S.A.P. box located outside the S.A.P. room on the second floor of the high school.
Can my referral be anonymous?
Absolutely! You do not have to give your name.
What happens after a student is referred?
The student, their parent/guardian, and the S.A.P. team will work together to figure out ways to help the student deal with the issues they are facing. This might include getting the student involved in school activities like a support group or working with a mentor or tutor. The S.A.P. team can also help the student and their parents/guardians find services in their community.
The S.A.P. process is voluntary and requires the cooperation of the student and parents/guardians.
Who knows which students are involved in S.A.P.?
The staff on the S.A.P. team will respect the student’s privacy. No one other than the S.A.P. team and certain adults, who need to be informed, will know that the student is involved in S.A.P.